陈明华,男,1983 年生,辽宁兴城人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,辽宁省百千万人才工程万人层次。2014年毕业于大连理工大学材料科学与工程(材料连接技术)专业,获工学博士学位,同年到安乐传任教,现任安乐传研究生学院副院长,主管研究生培养与学位工作。国家自然科学基金委通讯评审专家、中国机械工程学会高级会员、《Optics  and Lasers in Engineering》、《Optics  and Laser Technology》、《焊接学报》等期刊审稿人。

长期从事激光焊接技术相关的研究工作。近年来,围绕激光-电弧复合热源焊接新技术和非晶合金的激光熔凝/焊接技术进行了系统研究,且取得了一定的研究成果。先后主持国家自然科学青年基金项目和辽宁省自然科学基金项目各1项;并作为主要成员参与国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,以及省市级各类科研项目多项。在 Optics  and Lasers in Engineering》、《International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》、《焊接学报》等激光加工和焊接领域国际权威期刊发表学术论文共23篇(英文论文17篇、中文论文6篇),其中SCI检索论文16篇(第一作者或通讯作者12篇),论文累计被引用200余次;获中国机械工业学会“上银优秀机械博士论文奖”佳作奖1项;授权发明专利3项,转化1项。


2001.09-2005.07      大连理工大学        金属材料工程专业         工学学士

2006.09-2009.05      河北理工大学        材料学专业               工学学硕士

2009.09-2014.10      大连理工大学        材料连接技术专业         工学博士

2014.11-2018.12      安乐传        安乐传       讲师,教研室主任

2019.01-2020.06      安乐传        安乐传       副教授,教研室主任

2020.07~         安乐传       研究生学院              副教授,副院长


1.   激光-电弧复合热源焊接新技术

2.   非晶合金的激光焊接技术

3.   焊接电弧物理状态分析与控制


1.         国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,51805236,激光-电弧复合焊接热源能量密度分布状态的探针分析,2019.01-2021.1221万,主持;

2.         辽宁省自然科学基金联合基金,201602366,激光-电弧复合热源焊接过程中“匙孔”行为对气孔形成影响机制研究,2016.07-2018.065万,主持;

3.         国家自然科学基金面上项目,51971106,非晶合金层状复合材料塑性稳定性的微观机制研究,2020.01-2023.1260万元,参与;

4.         国家自然科学基金面上项目,11375038,基于等离子体间耦合作用的激光诱导增强电弧放电物理机制研究,2014.01-2017.1280万元,参与;

5.         国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,51005035,激光脉冲与MIG电弧相位匹配的镁合金复合焊接熔滴过渡热力耦合研究,2011.01-2013.1225万元,参与。


1.         Minghua Chen*, Sanbao Lin, Lijun Xin, Qi Zhou, Chenbin Li, Liang Liu, Fufa  Wu. Microstructures of the pulsed laser welded TiZrBeCuMo composite amorphous  alloy joint. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 134: 106262.SCI检索)

2.         Minghua Chen*, Lijun Xin, Qi Zhou, Lijia He, Fufa Wu. Effect of laser pulse  on alternative current arc discharge during laser-arc hybrid welding of  magnesium alloy. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2018, 100:208-215.SCI检索)

3.         Minghua Chen*, Jiannan Xu, Lijun Xin, Zuofu Zhao, Fufa Wu, Shengnan Ma, Yue  Zhang. Effect of keyhole characteristics on porosity formation during pulsed  laser-GTA hybrid welding of AZ31B magnesium alloy. Optics and Lasers in  Engineering, 2017, 93:139-145.SCI检索)

4.         Minghua Chen*, Jiannan Xu, Lijun Xin, Zuofu Zhao, Fufa Wu. Comparative study  on interactions between laser and arc plasma during laser-GTA welding and  laser-GMA welding. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2016, 85:1-8. SCI检索)

5.         Minghua Chen, Chenbin Li, Liming Liu*. Coupling discharge between keyhole  plasma and arc plasma in laser-arc welding of Mg alloy. IEEE Transactions on  Plasma Science, 2014, 42(5):1400-1406. SCI检索)

6.         Minghua Chen, Xueyuan Li, Liming Liu*. Effect of electric field on  interaction between laser and arc plasma in laser-arc hybrid welding. IEEE  Transactions on Plasma Science, 2012, 40(8):2045-2050. SCI检索)

7.         Minghua Chen, Chenbin Li, Shengtao Yuan, Liming Liu*. High-speed butt  welding of magnesium alloy using pulsed laser-arc hybrid heat source. China  Welding, 2012, 21(1):1-7. EI检索)

8.         Minghua Chen, Liming Liu*. Study on attraction of laser to arc plasma in  laser-TIG hybrid welding on magnesium alloy. IEEE Transactions on Plasma  Science, 2011, 39(4):1104-1109. SCI检索)

9.         Liming Liu*(导师), Minghua Chen. Interactions between laser and arc  plasma during laserarc hybrid  welding of magnesium alloy. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2011, 49(9-10):1224-1231.  SCI检索)

10.     Liming Liu*(导师), Minghua Chen, Chenbin Li, Linbo Yang. A new  superimposed double-arc welding method with one arc submerged in the weld  pool. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,  2014,75(1-4):331-337. SCI检索)

11.     Liming Liu*(导师), Minghua Chen. Effect of laser pulse on recovery  delay of arc plasma based on ion migration behavior in pulsed laser-arc  hybrid welding process. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2013, 51(2):96-103.  SCI检索)

12.     Liming Liu*(导师), Minghua Chen, Chenbin Li. Effect of electric arc  on laser keyhole behavior based on direct observation during low power pulsed  laser-arc hybrid welding process. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2013,  51(10):1153-1160. SCI检索)

13.     Chenbin Li, Minghua  Chen, Shengtao Yuan, Liming Liu*. Effect of welding speed in high  speed laser-TIG welding of magnesium alloy. Materials and Manufacturing  Processes, 2012, 27(12): 1424-1428. SCI检索)

14.     Lijun Xin, Sanbao Lin,  Xuping Liu, Zhigang Piao, Fufa Wu, Minghua Chen*. Relationship  between molten pool behavior and keyhole-induced porosity in pulsed laser-arc  hybrid welding of magnesium alloy. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,  2020, 49(6): 1894-1900. SCI检索)

15.     Keyan Wang, Rongda Zhao,  Fufa Wu*, Xiaofeng Wu, Minghua Chen, Jun Xiang, Shunhua Chen.  Improving microstructure and mechanical properties of hypoeutectic Al-Mg2Si  alloy by Gd addition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 813:152178. SCI检索)

16.     Tao Zhang, Lijun Xin, Fufa  Wu*, Rongda Zhao, Jun Xiang, Minghua Chen, Songshan Jiang,  Yongjiang Huang, Shunhua Chen. Microstructure and mechanical properties of  FexCoCrNiMn high-entropy alloys. Journal of Materials Science &  Technology, 2019, 35: 2331-2335. SCI检索)

17.     Xiaofeng Wu, Keyan Wang,  Fufa Wu*, Rongda Zhao, Minghua Chen, Jun Xiang, Shengnan Ma,  Yue Zhang. Simultaneous grain refinement and eutectic Mg2Si modification in hypoeutectic  Al-11Mg2Si alloys by Sc addition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019,  791:402-410. SCI检索)

18.     陈明华, 李陈宾, 刘黎明*. 激光-电弧复合焊接过程中等离子体的耦合行为. 焊接学报,  2014, 35(10):53-56.EI检索)

19.     陈明华, 李陈宾, 刘黎明*. 激光诱导增强电弧等离子体放电状态研究. 高电压技术,  2013, 39(7):1661-1667. EI检索)

20.     李雪源, 陈明华, 祝美丽, 刘黎明*. 电场提高激光-TIG复合焊熔深的机制. 焊接学报,  2012, 33(9): 49-52. EI检索)

21.     张一铭, 魏东民, 郭亚楠, 陈明华*, 刘旭平. 脉冲激光焊接速度对枝晶增强钛基非晶熔凝区微观组织影响. 安乐传学报(自然科学版), 2019, 39(6): 1-4.

22.     郭亚楠, 陈明华*, 刘旭平, 赵作福. 超声波功率对激光焊接AZ31B 镁合金接头组织与性能的影响. 新型工业化,2018,  8(7): 51-56.

23.     赵建智, 陈明华*, 赵作福, 辛立军. 激光-电弧复合焊接中激光脉冲对电弧正-负半波作用. 新型工业化, 2016, 6 (03): 7-12.

24.     伍复发, 辛立军, 陈明华, 张广安, 赵荣达. 一种金属材料微型拉伸试样力学性能测试装置, 中国专利, ZL201810252317.2.(发明专利)

25.     辛立军, 马胜男, 陈明华, 周岐. 一种消除激光焊制薄管管线跳动、错边并保证间隙的装置及其方法, 中国专利, ZL201710021175.4.  (发明专利)

26.     辛立军, 周岐, 陈明华, 岳旭东, 刘鹏飞. 一种带有水冷装置的可调角度铠甲式薄板激光角焊接夹具, ZL201510883584.6. (发明专利)

27.     陈明华. 基于镁合金焊接的小功率脉冲激光诱导增强电弧放电机制研究, 第五届上银优秀机械博士论文奖佳作奖,中国机械工程学会,2015.(学术获奖)



